Jack, jack, jack….
Health and wellness for your pets are just as important as the rest of the family. Obviously, that goes for your dog, but don’t forget your cats too. It’s just with cats, they tend to keep themselves moving unless they’re overfed and become sedentary (kind of like us humans too after the holiday season).
Here are some tips on keeping your dog healthier.
Regular Check-ups
Your veterinarian will be able to tell you how often you should bring your dog in for a check-up. For puppies and older dogs who are getting on in years, they should be seen more frequently to catch any serious issues sooner.
Preventative medicine through the use of vaccinations is a good idea too. Also, dealing with an ongoing health condition which can be handled with medication or a special dietary plan gives your dog the best life possible.
Be aware that should illness occur, it develops much faster in dogs because their life is considerably shorter than most humans. Because of this, the level of severity can increase rapidly over just a few months. This is why it’s so important to keep up with a regular check-up schedule.
Look for Anything Out of the Ordinary
It’s not that easy to spot when your dog is feeling unwell. However, if his or her mood has recently changed with an altered disposition, this is a strong sign that something is wrong. If they’re not anywhere near as active as before or have trouble with certain movements, there are other indicators too. If they change their diet or go off their food, this isn’t normal either.
Whilst it could just be a passing bug that they picked up; it could also be more serious. Don’t ignore the above indicators because your vet may know right away or can run some blood tests to determine the cause(s). Catching something early is far better than leaving it until it’s too late to resolve. That’ll be bad for them and you’ll feel terrible about it.
Regular Exercise Even If They’re Reluctant
Not every dog will love to exercise or simply go out to play, but every dog should try to get some exercise every day. Obviously, if they’re poorly then they should rest. And bear in mind that senior dogs aren’t going to be as fit or have as much energy and their joints may be bothering them too. However, even a senior dog will benefit from not being allowed to be completely sedentary.
Along with regular exercise, you should think about pet insurance too. It’s important to avoid large vet bills should they get sick despite exercising and eating right. With insurance for dogs, it’s possible to have one or more pets on the same plan and keep it simple. Even if you have a puppy, there’s puppy insurance now too. Don’t leave your pet uninsured.
Check out https://www.everypaw.com/ for a pet insurance quote.
Don’t Forget Their Teeth
Dental disease is as much a problem for dogs as with humans. They get tartar build-up and plaque as well.
There are different approaches to doggie dental care. Dental treats are useful to give their teeth a workout while improving their health. There are oral rinses for dogs that can handle that. Also, a good old-fashioned toothbrush and dog-approved toothpaste work too if you get them to stand still long enough!
Grooming Isn’t Just About Looks
Brushing your dog to remove hair tangles isn’t just about making them look more attractive. Depending on their breed, they may shed more (or less). But nevertheless, they will usually enjoy a regular brushing and it’s necessary. Along with a regular bath too.
They’ll need a haircut every 2-4 weeks, depending on how fast they grow. Their coat will become more unmanageable the longer it’s left. There are plenty of pet groomers now that can take care of your pooch. They’ll also trim down their nails to a practical length so they’re not taking chunks out of the armchair every time they jump up to get your attention.
Eating Better
Dogs need good nutrition just like we do. Their diet contributes to the health of their gastrointestinal system and keeps them working right. Their energy, weight management, skin, and coat are all affected by the quality of their diet and getting enough to eat.
Most dogs are overfed. As a result, they weigh too much. Dogs aren’t good at self-managing their food, so we have to do it for them to keep them at a healthy weight level.
Also, bear in mind that switching to a different dog food brand should be done in stages. Otherwise, you risk giving them an upset stomach. Yes, they might try to eat that old shoe and swallow the odd coin, but their systems are far more sensitive than it appears.
Keeping your dog healthy isn’t a one-step process. Care must be taken to do the right things and monitoring them for signs of negative changes is important too. Then they’ll live longer and enjoy their life more.
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