Can you remember that first cigarette? How did it feel? Perhaps you were with a group of friends, or maybe a family member offered to give you a cigarette for just one puff, and without knowing it, you became an addict. Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer in the world and puts you at risk for stroke, heart disease, and many other types of diseases and cancers. Obviously, this is a huge concern for smokers and loved ones of smokers. Most people want to live a healthy lifestyle, but just like any other addiction, quitting smoking is not easy. However, studies have shown that vaping can help you quit smoking for good. Of course, it is normal to be a bit skeptical and for this reason, we outlined a few reasons why ditching e-cigs for a vape is a healthier alternative.
- You can control your nicotine intake
A normal cigarette does not have any measurements telling you the amount of nicotine in each of them. What this means is that you can find yourself having subjected yourself to high levels of nicotine by the end of the day without even knowing it. And let’s face it, one cigarette is never enough for an active smoker. In one smoking session, one may even smoke about 5 of them all at once, which is very dangerous. Plus, you always want to finish the cigarette you started, unlike vaping, where you can take a break and come back to it later. Vaping also helps you know the amount of nicotine you ingested and offers more control than cigarettes.
- Vaping reduces the chances of smoking-related diseases
As aforementioned, smoking causes a myriad of diseases. Some can be cured, some get stuck with the rest of your life, but too often smokers die from smoking related illnesses. Prevention is always the best. One of the ways that you can adopt to reduce your chances of getting lung cancer and other smoking-related diseases is by shifting from the conventional method of smoking to vaping. Cigarettes have over 700 harmful chemicals, most of which are carcinogenic. E-cigs, on the other hand, contain less harsh chemicals hence reducing your chances of getting lung cancer.
- No more noxious odors
Sometimes, all one needs to tell that you are a smoker is simply your smell. There is only so much you can cover it up with your designer perfume, it is often a bit obvious that you are trying to camouflage the smoke stink. Smoking cigarettes leave behind a lingering smell that tends to stick with you wherever you go. Most often than not, people do not appreciate this smell. However, there is no smoke smell when using vape pens. The vape pens use flavored e-liquids which means that you no longer have to carry along the noxious odors after a smoking session.
- No yellow fingernails
Your appearance is of utmost importance. Can you imagine going for an interview or even a first date with extremely yellow fingernails? Smoking cigarettes inhibits the circulation of oxygen within the fingertips and the nailbed, which is what causes the yellowing. Additionally, the harmful chemicals, specifically nicotine and tar, are responsible for the discoloration of the nails. On the other hand, by using the vape pens, your nails will not be affected as the main output of vaping is the sweet flavour and steam.
- They can help you quit smoking
Lastly, and the goal for every smoker, is to quit smoking. Vaping is known to contain fewer chemicals meaning that it is easier to silence the cravings instantly as opposed to smoking cigarettes where one cigarette never seems to be enough. By silencing the cravings a bit faster, you will find that your dependency on smoking will significantly reduce. After some time, you might even find that you can go a whole day without feeling the urge to smoke. In the long run, you end up killing the addiction and saving yourself from many smoke-related illnesses.
Dealing with smoking addiction is not an easy thing, but the good thing is that it is possible. By quitting smoking cigarettes and starting to use vape technology, you are on the right path to a smoke-free life. However, it is important to note that you also need to have the right mindset and be very committed towards your journey of being smoke-free for it to work.
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