Z-Curve Bow
(ages 8+)
The Z Curve Bow is the ultimate foam bow and arrow combo for indoor and outdoor summer fun! Kids can load up the Z-Curve Bow with their choice of a long-range Res-X ammo soft foam arrow for bounce back action or a stick-anywhere ZARTZ SOFTEK foam arrow for high tech target archery. Soars up to 125 feet. Set includes bow, one stick-anywhere foam arrow, two long range Red-X ammo arrows and Zip-Clip holder.
Zing-Shot Launcher
(ages 8+)
The Zing-Shot Launcher is a plastic sling-shot with quick load system and specially made Red-X ammo soft foam balls that can fly up to 45 feet. 2 prong launcher – release and fly! Three balls included.
Like! Love! Fun! Safe! A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! Ok, Zing. You sucked me into going to a 12 step meeting of Toys Anonymous, ‘cause I want to go buy 12 each of these toys!
I remember hitting my brother in the head with a perfect round rock from my stick slingshot. Emergency room! I never got my slingshot back (this was at least 2 ½ hours worth of therapy at $250 per hour). For $9.99, your child can have his slingshot without the tears or fears! Made of plastic with a hand grip, this slingshot shoots little puffy round foam balls at its target – safe and fun. My granddaughter, Libby, 9, shot the balls into the wading pool while her dog, BC, went nuts retrieving them. After the balls were wet, Libby decided to slam dunk her brother, Chas, with another round – and hilarious and SAFE fun ensued! If you are like me, safety and durability are a must for ALL TOYS, and Zing thrusts Spring into Summer with a great product, balls and darts that soften the thud of winter. Summer’s here. And so is Zing.
By the time 12 year old Chas got his hands on the Z-Curve Bow, the only animals targeted were – you guessed it – BC, the dog. After plastering Libby with the soft foam arrows, plunk plunk, soft, and amidst hilarious antics, Chas decided to shoot the stick anywhere ZARTEK SOFTEK arrow at the patio window. BC and Libby ran to retrieve, as Chas hosed down the window! Smooth maneuver, Hunter Chas! And the bestest part of all – NO BATTERIES!
Between dogs, kids, and Zing toys, our July 4th backyard barbeque ROCKED! And I was astounded at the cost of all this fun – $9.99 for the slingshot, and $19.99 for the bow set. And neither toy broke after hours of frenzied dog-kid play. And the adults? Well, I’m not supposed to say, but we got our big mitts a bit wet, too, as we stole our CHILDREN’s Zing toys and played like curmudgeons that we were! Hey, there’s a hunter in every adult, no?
If I have to have an addiction, I’m certainly glad it’s ZING. My amends? (SHHHH – I only bought 10 of each toy for the rest of my grandkiddles – and my dachshund Clem stole the slingshot. Seems he couldn’t get enough of chasing the balls! Should I buy another Slingshot? Hmmm, that’s a topic for another 12 step Toy Meeting!! And ZING!)
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: 5
Review by Broad “A” – Ava
Zing Shot and Air Hunterz Z-Curve Bow
are available for purchase at toy stores, etc.
We received product for our toy review. All opinions are our own.
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