Insurance isn’t the most exciting thing to spend your money on for sure, but it is one of the most important, and in most cases, you won’t ever regret paying those monthly premiums. You see, insurance has your back – it covers you when things get tough, and not having to worry about money really is priceless.
It’s sad then that so many people don’t have the insurance policies they really should have in place. What insurance policies are they?
Medical insurance
If you live in the United States, you absolutely need to have a medical insurance policy in place. If you don’t have your health, then you really don’t have very much at all, and unless you could easily afford to pay thousands of dollars in medical fees out of your pocket, medical insurance will help to keep you healthy without you having to make tons of sacrifices elsewhere in your life.
Life insurance
If you have a spouse or children who depend on you, at least to some extent, financially, then the responsible thing to do is take out a life insurance policy as soon as possible. Premiums will only set you back a few dollars each month, but they will give you all the peace of mind that comes with knowing that, should the worst happen, those you leave behind will have a financial cushion to see them through those times when they’ve filled with grief, and potentially dealing with lawyers, suing for non-economic damages if your death was wrongful, sorting out your affairs, and well a million other things. A life insurance policy could mean the difference between your family being able to keep their home and put food on the table or not – it really is that important.
Pet insurance
If you own a pet, he or she is likely to be an important part of the family, so how heartbreaking would it be if you had to put them to sleep simply because you could not afford the vet’s bill? Pretty darn heartbreaking, right. Don’t put yourself or your pet in that position by ensuring that you have a decent pet insurance policy in place. Most policies will also cover you for liability should your pet attack someone or cause damage, so it’s a good thing to have from a legal point of view too.
Car insurance
Car accidents can be terrible and terribly expensive. Having insurance is the responsible thing to do – enough said!
Home insurance
Insuring your home and the contents of your home is vital. It will ensure that should your roof be caving in, your home flooded or your property is stolen, you can have it fixed/replaced without having to dip into your savings or get into debt. A lot of people skip home and contents insurance because they don’t think the worst will ever happen, but it can and does every day and if it happens to you, you want to ensure that you can sort it our fast instead of having to wait until you have the cash to do so upon which time the problem could be even worse!
Insurance can get you out of many a pickle so don’t neglect it!
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