Windfalls and lotto wins aside, money is not an unlimited resource for most people. Of course, what you earn determine a great deal of how much you have to spend, but so does how you manage your money as well. That is why it's essential that you have the best money management skills possible. With that in mind, read on to find out what the most common mistake in this area is, and how you prevent them from draining your financial resources. Impulse buying. One of the biggest money ... continue reading...
Search Results for: property
4 Areas Of Your Home To Get Checked Before You Sell
Are you thinking about selling your home sometime soon? It’s important that you do make the necessary checks before you put it on the market. This will tell you whether any repairs are required for issues that could ultimately hurt the value of your home. So, let’s look at some of the problems you can run into here and that you must be aware of before you sell. The Garage Entrance The main concern here is going to be the security of the home. If there is an issue with the ... continue reading...
Worried about the quality of your air? Here are tips to boost your homes air quality.
We’re usually pretty good at making sure our home looks the part and is generally kept in a tidy, orderly fashion, but there’s one aspect of our home that is often overlooked: the air quality. If your home is located in any sort of urban area, then the chances are that the air isn’t quite as clean as you’d want; your family are breathing in this air, after all, so it should be clean and healthy! The good news is that the cleanliness of the air is all in our hands; by making a few subtle changes, ... continue reading...
How To Avoid Home-Buyers Remorse
It's the worst nightmare for any home-buyer. Days after settling into their new home, there is that niggling doubt at the back of their mind, that tiny voice (or in some cases, booming), letting them know that they have just made the worst mistake of their life. After spending a near-fortune, there is that terrible fear that the home they have bought isn't the right one, after all. Ouch! Still, there is one simple solution to avoid those feelings of buyers remorse. And that is to do your ... continue reading...
Bucket list resorts: NIZUC Resort and Spa Cancun
We get a lot of pitches here on Home, Food, Fun. Some of them we just downright DROOL over...then put on our bucket list. When I pulled up the photos of the beautiful NIZUC Resort & Spa I knew IMMEDIATELY that this gorgeous spot on the Yucatan peninsula is one that we HAVE to visit. Imagine immersing yourself in Mayan culture, spending days at a world class spa and relaxing on the perfect white Cancun beach, drink in hand? I can! Designed for guests in need of a luxury escape, the ... continue reading...
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