Broad Z: OK, “A” – it’s halfway through January now. How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions?
Broad A: New Year’s Resolution? Are you KIDDING?? I barely fumble from day to day keeping gas in the car, the dog fed, me fed, the grand kids fed and occupied, setting the alarm in time for work – hey I’m a busy Broad.
Broad Z: Yeah, and everyone else lives MY life (you know, the life of EASE) – LOL – I don’t even live MY life.
Broad A: Exactly “Z.” – So, I got to thinking (yes Broad Z, I can do that!). I work for a small business, very eco-conscious. And yet, I still throw an occasional tin can in the dumpster, or forget to recycle (FORGET??) cause, hey, I don’t make a difference, I’m just one person. WRONG. This year, as I look out over the pond I live on, I won’t let that plastic bag floating between the ducks be mine. Because really, caring about the environment is essentially caring about MYSELF (not my strong suit).
Broad Z: Well, “A”, you know that has always been important to me. I drive Hal the Hybrid, I actually GO THROUGH THE TRASH to make sure that Mr. Z doesn’t toss anything he shouldn’t in and then put the culprits into the recycling bin. BUT – I have a LOT to learn about cutting back at the grocery store. My food, cleaning supplies and paper good bill is OUTRAGEOUS each month.
Broad A: Yes, we are a wasteful, messy species. So when Broad Z asked if I wanted to review Marcal’s new line of paper products called “Marcal Small Steps” – their ecology minded paper goods – I jumped at the chance. I go through 3 rolls of toilet paper a week – between the kids using ½ a roll (JUST BECAUSE GRANDMA) and Clem the Dachshund papering the house whenever I leave – and myself. WHOOSH. I should be installing a new TOILET ever month! Marcal’s line of toilet paper
and tissues remind me every day that EVERYTHING and EVERYONE counts in the statement of less waste, less garbage, less messy us!
Broad Z: Very good “A.” I’ve begun clipping coupons and trying to find brands that fit in with my mission of being green AND SAVING MONEY. Marcal Small Steps has helped me do JUST THAT. You know, most of the “other” green paper products are extraordinarily expensive, but not Marcal. They’re priced like the discount brands, yet they have a conscience – now that’s a combination that fits my standards like a glove.
Broad A: And I LIKE the character of using less costly and more efficient paper products that don’t use trees for their substance. 100% percent of their bath tissue, paper towels, facial tissue and napkins are made by recycling, they just don’t cut down trees, and this help preserve forests (
Broad Z: EXACTLY “A”. Welcome aboard!
Broad A: AND I love the products. Yes they are a little thinner but still as soft as their expensive (and wasteful) counterparts. Now Broad “Z” will say that I am waxing poetic (I know, I know) but this year I want to believe that carrying environmental bags into the stores and using quality products that clog less and MESS LESS – will make me a person that CAN make a difference. And if I can use biodegradable poop bags for the dog – why not better biodegradable paper products?
Broad Z: The nicest part is that Marcal Small Steps has a FULL RANGE of paper products – all available at my local Super Market (no wasting the gas to get to the organic/health market that’s almost an hour away).
“A” – did you know that Marcal’s mission is to SAVE A MILLION TREES? If everyone replaced ONE package of their “regular” paper goods with one of Marcal’s that’s just what happens. A million trees will be saved (and at this posting – over 22 Million trees have already been saved by using Marcal).
Broad A: WOW!! That’s a lot of trees, where birds can nest, people can sit under, kids can climb, etc. SO my hat goes off to Marcal for helping me make this transition. Their toilet paper may be considered NO FRILLS by SOME, but for me it means NO FILLS. And I really like their toilet paper. And, with all my allergies, I can use their facial tissues without feeling GUILTY – or deprived. I found that it is just as soft on my face. Small Steps may not be considered LUXURIOUS by some, but I loved the products. A little thinner, just as soft, and just as effective.
Broad Z: I’m in agreement with you on this “A” – I’m cutting my weekly shopping bill just by using Marcal Small Steps and am PERSONALLY one small step closer to my goal of spending less.
Broad A: My final take? These are excellent products, from a company that likes trees as much as I do. I plan on saving money, the environment and still enjoy a quality of paper products that I truly love.
Broad Z: Agreed
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale:
5+ for Marcal Small Steps
For more information follow Marcal Small Steps on twitter – @marcalsmallstep
Fan them on facebook
Thank you to Marcal for providing Ava with an assortment of Small Steps products to try for this review (Z already had a cupboard stocked with them). We were in no way compensated for this post and all opinions are strictly our own.
My local grocery store finally stared carrying Marcal products-YEA! I love the paper towels-especially since they're select-a-size. I used the toilet tissue ove the holidays, and if 3 college-aged girls didn't jump on me for buying 'cheap'(rough and shreds) toilet tissue, it passed the test in our household. I even sent lots of coupons for Marcal back to school with them. They are really generous with their coupons, too.
My local grocery store finally stared carrying Marcal products-YEA! I love the paper towels-especially since they're select-a-size. I used the toilet tissue ove the holidays, and if 3 college-aged girls didn't jump on me for buying 'cheap'(rough and shreds) toilet tissue, it passed the test in our household. I even sent lots of coupons for Marcal back to school with them. They are really generous with their coupons, too.
Thanks, I'm going to look for them. We've used Marcal for a LONG time and love them.
Thanks, I'm going to look for them. We've used Marcal for a LONG time and love them.
We have used their napkins in this line and they work just as well at meal time as other brands.
We have used their napkins in this line and they work just as well at meal time as other brands.
Marcal is the biggest air and water polluter in the state of New Jersey. For them to proclaim to be a green company is a joke, as well as a lie. They have been fined billions by the EPA, and do much more harm than good. Please don't kid yourself that you are doing good by using their products. That is a total lie.
Marcal is the biggest air and water polluter in the state of New Jersey. For them to proclaim to be a green company is a joke, as well as a lie. They have been fined billions by the EPA, and do much more harm than good. Please don't kid yourself that you are doing good by using their products. That is a total lie.