As a homeowner, it’s your duty to keep your property in top condition. That means performing regular maintenance checks and confirming all systems work as they should.
Though it may seem overwhelming, prevention is the key to keeping your home in optimal condition. Creating a home maintenance checklist is always beneficial whether you’re a first-time homeowner or have had the property for years.
Foundation Cracks
Cracks in your home’s foundation are a serious maintenance concern that should never be disregarded. They could indicate structural problems or suggest that you will need to repair your foundation shortly.
Structural foundation cracks are typically the result of differential settlement, which occurs when one part of your foundation sinks deeper than others into the ground. This puts undue strain on the structure and may lead to problems such as bowing walls and basement leaks.
Non-structural foundation cracks are usually vertical and caused by shrinkage during concrete curing. While these cracks pose no threat to your home’s structure, they typically don’t need any repair work done.
Horizontal foundation cracks are more severe and indicate expansive clay soil or water-saturated ground pressing against the wall. Installing water drainage could help alleviate this pressure.
Subsidence is a severe home maintenance issue that can destabilize foundations and cause extensive structural damage to buildings. Usually caused by water erosion, this costly issue should not be ignored and must be addressed promptly.
Fortunately, subsidence can often be avoided with a few simple measures. The most effective way to do so is by having your property thoroughly surveyed for potential subsidence-related issues.
This can be accomplished by arranging for a geological survey to be performed before purchasing your property. Though this process may be costly and time-consuming, the benefits will be worth it in the end.
Furthermore, you should ensure your home is properly maintained monthly, seasonal, and annually. Creating a checklist for these tasks will help keep you organized and prevent significant issues in the future.
Damaged Roofing
Roof damage is one of the most severe home maintenance problems. Not only does it require costly repairs or replacements, but it leaves your house vulnerable to moisture intrusion.
Roof systems can be damaged due to various causes, such as wind, rain, and snow. Knowing these potential issues helps you delay premature roof repair or replacement costs.
Weather is the primary cause of roof damage, but other things can also damage it. For instance, trees that are too old or fall on them during strong winds are two common examples.
Animals can also cause havoc on your roof. Nesting birds, raccoons, and squirrels have been known to tear off vent covers and shingles in search of a safe haven to make their homes.
Rotting Floorboards
A rotting floorboard or wooden joist can be a worrying home maintenance problem caused by fungal spores that settle in the air and consume your home’s wood.
Once a spore finds a damp place to settle in, it eats away at the wood’s cellular structure. The result is an area of weak, soft wood that will weaken and crumble over time.
If your joists have begun to rot, there are ways to repair them. One solution is using a wood hardener treatment.
Another option is to replace the damaged joists with new, stronger ones. Doing so can reinforce your home’s structural strength and shield it from further harm.
It’s essential to address these issues before they escalate into more serious problems, as doing so can save you from investing in costly repairs down the line.
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