Whether it be mom or dad, a teen or toddler – the kitchen is where so many find inspiration. All except for “Z” who finds her inspiration at the other end of the phone line placing her take-out order. This year’s BEST OF THE BROADS includes gifts for those who UNLIKE Z, can actually remember where they put the cookie sheet.
True Food – Seasonal, Sustainable, Simple, Pure
By Andrew Weil, MD and Sam Fox with Michael Stebner
Not only beautifully illustrated, but with some of the BEST GOOD food recipes that I’ve ever seen! Throw out the chips, and serve a great turkey with some of these recipes that taste so fresh they seem to have come out of the (organic) ground! Super Duper gift for Mom!
Price: $29.99
These colorful cooking helpers made our gift guide this year and you’ll soon see why. Not only are they comical and colorful, but they’re the PERFECT size for small hands. While we featured the adorable Bloom Utensil Set, you’ll find just about everything you need to turn your budding chef into a kitchen pro on the Cook in Color site.
Price: $28.99
Small Plates and Sweet Treats (My Family’s Journey to Gluten-Free Cooking)
by Aran Goyoaga, creator of “canelle et vanilla”
I’m gluten intolerant (which is why I am so moody Z – she’s not listening – the Mansion has mice…) and I’ve ignored it forever! I’m single – what’s to cook? NOW I have my greedy little hands on Small Plates and Sweet Treats and it’s a wonderful easy cookbook that comes as a coffee table edition of great beauty. It’s going to Z for Christmas (OOPS don’t tell!)
Price: $29.99
We received product to facilitate these reviews. All opinions are strictly our own.
Great information, and reviews. Have you read The Food Clock by Ed Halmagyi?
Its a lovely book, great photos and fantastic recipes 🙂
NBD Team (www.nobigdeal.com.au)