Broad A: The strangest thing came in the mail this morning. I got a huge eco-cloth-grocery bag filled with 6 different flavored Fruit 20 Essentials. Now I really loved the eco-bag since I was on my way to Sunflower market to buy cherries (on sale -.99 lb) and Utah fresh peaches ($.99 a lb also). I opened up the eco-bag to dump out the contents and then I SAW IT!
Broad Z: OMG “A,” what did you see? Don’t scare me. Are you all right?
Broad A: Fruit 20 Essentials WITH TWO servings of fruit in every bottle. Whoozer! (Sunflower Market lost a customer today – big deal, they are a huge corporate market although I LOVE their ORGANIC foods!).
Broad Z: You shouldn’t scare me like that. You know I’m very sensitive.
Broad Z: Just sayin…
Broad A: Back to the subject, my mind wanders alot in the morning. Anyway, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I jugged down the Blueberry-Pomegranate without even chilling it!
Broad Z: Hey, I got that package too. It just came. WOW, very cool packaging they put together to get our attention, but frankly they didn’t have to go to all that trouble. We drink Fruit2O a lot around here. Personally, I like it ICE COLD. This was my FIRST try of the NEWEST Fruit2O Essentials though. So, newbie – what did you think?
Broad A: It was delicious. I am so lazy about taking my 15 vitamins every day (although Clem ALWAYS gets his vitamins and supplements pronto) that I was ecstatic to see that I not only got my fruit for the day, but that my fiber was included!
Broad Z: I’m SO with you on that. How cool is it that I can guzzle down a bottle of Fruit2O Essntials and I’ll have had my 2 servings of fruit for the day AND they’re ZERO calories (means I can have that brownie on the counter that’s been staring me down all afternoon – just to balance things out).
Broad A: So I sat down for the FOURTH time this week to watch Bedknobs and Broomsticks, grabbed a chilled bottle of Strawberry-Kiwi and relaxed.
Broad Z: LOL, while you were reviewing that movie, I got the opportunity to indulge myself with a little pampering – all in the name of blogging. Of course a nice cold bottle of the Cranberry-Raspberry Fruit2O Essentials and I totally zoned out.
Broad A: Zip, it might take bubble bath for you to relax, (it is great relaxer) but all that I needed was my Fruit20 and a great Disney kids’ movie. Clem (the house dachshund) kept licking at my bottle (EEWWHHH) and seemed to love the Strawberry-Kiwi Fruit20 as much as I did!
Broad Z: You and that dog…. Personally, I think you need a boyfriend,
Fruit2O Essentials Come in delicious flavors like
- Strawberry Kiwi
- Cherry Acai
- Blueberry Pomegranate
- Cranberry Raspberry
- Citrus
- Peach Mango
Simply enter the Fruit2O Essentials Spa Getaway Sweepstakes for a chance to win a 4-night spa vacation for you and a friend. Grand prize includes a $5,000 gift certificate, which you can spend at more than 5,000 spas across the U.S, plus a $900 travel voucher. Up to 23 first prizes will also be awarded—each winner will enjoy a $100 SpaFinder gift card.
Those sound good! I'll be looking for them.
Those sound good! I'll be looking for them.
They are YUMMY. I need to buy some more, hubby went and drank my hidden stash…LOL
They are YUMMY. I need to buy some more, hubby went and drank my hidden stash…LOL