Young Artists Collection 3 pk
I can’t tell you often enough how I love Scholastic Storybook Treasures – my grandkiddles adore them. And since I am way into the creative arts, being a writer, and have very creative grandchildren, I am always seeking to find ways to encourage them that art is the way to the soul. The fact that our art programs are almost non-existent in our school systems due to funding cuts scares me and threatens our children’s future. So I adore Scholastic books, and DVD’s and find them one way to create an environment of motivation, encouragement and excitement for my grandchildren – and I love them too!
Since there are fifteen wonderful stories, including ALA Notable Video, Andrew Carnegie and Caldecott Award titles on this wonderful DVD, the challenge for me was to review them well. So I decided to review the title story on each DVD. But please, do not underestimate each and every luscious story in this collection – they are amazing – just ask Grace!
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
With wonderful illustrations and detail, Zin! Zin! Zin! combines beautiful illustration with an introduction to the ten instruments that make up a chamber group of ten. Introducing each instrument one by one, and offering the symphonic terms for the groupings, this DVD swells with music and teaches without trying. The Trombone comes first, with delightful trombone music and lyrics, teaching young ones that one instrumental rendition is called a solo. Number two is the trumpet, and is called a duo. Number three, the French Horn, makes up a trio, the Cello, number four makes it a quartet, the violin, number five, is a quintet, the flute, number six, crowds into a sextet, the clarinet, a septet, the oboe an octet, the bassoon a nonet, and the harp makes a chamber group of ten. The instruments are repeated so that children can hear each tone and then combined in order to hear an entire chamber symphony. Fun, fantastic, and I had to play it twice! I learned the chamber terms myself! For kids, this is a delightful way to have them choose an instrument to play and to introduce them to the delights and components of music!~
The Dot
Any child who has ever uttered the words, “I can’t draw” needs to listen and watch The Dot! Vashti is in art class – and can’t draw a thing! Her teacher tells her to make a dot, and to sign it. Then the teacher displays Vashti’s dot in a huge frame and all the kids watch in wonder as Vashti creates an artistic collage of big and little dots, with all different colors as she mixes her paints, and becomes the star of the school art show! And when a little boy says to Vashti, “I can’t draw anything but a crooked line,” she repeats her teachers words – and has him sign his squiggle line. With illustrations to die for, Vashti teaches us all that art is in the soul, and that we all have something important to draw – and communicate to others. This little book on DVD is hearfelt and I loved it! What more can we offer our children than we are all artists – waiting to perform our art! Fabulous!
Shrinking Violet
Violet is the most timid girl in school. Her friend Opal keeps trying to get her to stand up to the bully, but Violet can’t open her mouth. She twists her hair and frets, as she finds herself scared – of everything! Then the teacher announces the school play, Violet gets to be the Voice of the Planets offstage, and saves the day when she gives the bully his lines and goes on to win the show! We all have stage fright and Violet teaches us that we have to work around our performance talents to find the right niche!~ This is such a darling video – Violet’s expressions are a delight and remind me of Madelaine! Not to miss!
- Interview with Art Author/Illustrator Patrick McDonnell – refreshingly fun!
- Spanish Versions of The Dot, Ish, and Amazing Grace
The beauty of these DVD’s is not only their fantastic illustrations and wonderful encouragement, but also the read along function, where children can read as well as hear the stories.
I am a huge fan of Scholastic – did I say that already? I could write a ten page review on all of the stories included – Amazing Grace is – well, totally amazing – but I have to leave something for you and your children to discover! This is the best way I know to encourage our children to pursue their dreams – and to rediscover our own!
The Young Artists Collection is available online as well as in stores nationwide.
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: 5+
Review by Broad “A” – Ava
We received a copy for our DVD review. All opinions are our own.
Wow, great review!
Wow, great review!
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