The League: Season Three
First let me say that while I am a HUGE football, and fantasy football fan, I have shown this show to many of my friends who know nothing about football and they still love it. An often overlooked fact about this show is that it is “Semi-Scripted” meaning that instead of a script the actors get more or less an outline of what events need to happen in the scene. Making nearly all the dialog improved. This just adds to the natural hilarity of the show. If you followed me on Facebook you will know how much I love this show.
All you really need to know about The League is that it’s about a comedy about a fantasy football league. The comedy is shocking, boundary pushing and absolutely hilarious.
This season’s gags included a member of the league getting thrush after porn gets filmed in his place (the porn director was played by Seth Rogan). Moving homeless people using swastikas. And the guys resurrect their old game of phone chicken and bring back Bobbum Man. This show is absolutely hilarious to me. Of course, it’s not for everyone, but it helps if you have a good sense of humor and are stoned out of your mind.
I think for Season 3 the writers thought, “We need to up the ante. Let’s go for even more shock-value.” Unfortunately, I don’t think these overtly-“shocking” jokes work. This experiment lasts about the first 4-5 episodes. After that, the show settles into a nice rhythm and we see the return of characters like Rafi (the best character next to Rodney Ruxin) and also a noticeably funnier Andre. Andre was always a bit of a slow-starter–a punching bag I felt would never actually exist in a group like that–but in Season 3 they really develop him well, throwing him better jokes and upping his ability to fight back a bit. The awful Taco character still remains. While admittedly better than he is in the other seasons, he’s still completely unfunny. This is all made worse by the fact they try and foist him upon us in a fashion I’d describe as totally disruptive “Look! Look at Taco! Isn’t he funny? Isn’t he?!”
All in all, another VERY solid season. Watch for Ruxin and a surprisingly funnier Kevin. The final episode could be a jumping of the shark moment – when the show goes too far for its own good – and the season finale does tempt ridiculousness at times. Honestly I watch these episodes over and over again, I can’t get enough of this show.
The League: Season Three [Blu-ray] is available for purchase on and just about every video outlet. What are you waiting for? Go get it.
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: 4.5 SACKOs out of 5
Review by Bro’ B – Ben
We received product for our review. All opinions are our own
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