What the heck does that mean?
For me, it means just that — balance. When I am worried about something I tend to go black and white with everything around me. My friends are all narcissists my kids are hateful, my grandchildren don’t love me. BUT the real issue is a health problem that I don’t want to dwell on. Some of the ways that I KNOW I need to pull back and BALANCE myself are these:
I am overreacting to everything.
If the entire day is a climb out of the abyss, I know I need to
focus on what I am really worried about or the button that has been pushed: I am finding my food expenses are huge. Reason: I am not making a budget, I am going to the store full of stress, and want to buy everything in sight. Or I haven’t eaten all day and put everything in my cart. Make a list and check it twice.
The dog is dying.
Ok, the dog has coughed twice this morning and I am raring to take him to the vet. Is he eating? Yes. Is he pooping and peeing? Yes. What am I really worried about? The credit limit on my Care Credit is too low. Can I fix that? Yes.
I have nothing to wear…
because I gained 5 pounds and can’t lose it. I’m ugly and fat. Okay. This happens a lot. Have a lot of scarves on hand. Throw on a shirt, jeans, cool shoes and a great scarf. Buy a couple more T-shirts and start walking in the mornings. Five pounds is easy to lose. 50 pounds is not. AND you are using the 5 pounds to beat yourself up. STOP and do something nice for yourself. Buy a bagel and coffee!
The house is a mess so I can’t have friends over.
Buck up. Everyone’s house is a mess in some way. Run the vacuum, clean the bathroom, and write out invites! So what. If you are worried that the house is a mess you are probably a Type A like me and it is totally presentable. Let it be!
Take thirty minutes to have a cup of coffee
or just sit on the bed and relax. Write about your stress. Sometimes I just write “this friend did this I hate her” and fifteen minutes later I realize that friend is human and I have a button that got pushed! Think things through before you text that nasty email! Take care of yourself, and balance will return. I promise!!!
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