The summer will soon be here, and it’ll bring glorious skies and long days with it – perfect for spending time out in the garden! However, the winter has done a real number on your backyard. Don’t worry – even with the weather as dreary as it is, there’s a lot you can do to clean up the garden and make it look a bit more presentable. But if you want to get your outdoor space ready in time for the bloom of summer, you’re going to have to really put the work in right now! Here are our tips for sorting your pre-summer garden clearout in a few easy moves.
Get Pruning
There are going to be quite a few overgrown plants in your backyard right now, even if they’re free of leaves and the stems are all brown. However, this is also the perfect opportunity for you to ensure that these plants grow back even stronger (and prettier!) in the summer – it’s time to get your garden shears out and get pruning.
After all, the more you cut back a plant or bush, the bigger it’s going to grow in each subsequent cycle. Why? Because you’re allowing the plant a chance to collect its energy, and to not have to deal with dead weight. Many gardeners are able to prevent themselves from having to do extra work later on like this. The more you prune, the better your plants tend to grow, and the fewer seeds you have to buy and plant in turn, etc.
Clear Out Garden Beds
Next, it’s time to clear up the mulch that litters your garden beds. Even if you don’t add any mulch yourself, there’s a strong chance all the leaves, moss, and stones that have fallen from elsewhere have applied a layer for you. And while this is useful in the winter, it can prevent light and water from getting down there during the warmer months.
Get a garden waste bag and collect up as much of this waste product as possible. Rake the leaves on your lawns, add to your compost pile, and make sure the garden is left with just the top grass and soil to contend with.
Get a Collection Done
Now that you’ve cut back the bushes and the plants and even a tree or two, it’s time to get all that junk removed from your backyard. Don’t let it sit; there’s a good chance it’ll start to rot in this weather! Damp breeds some nasty things, so get on the phone to a Garbage Dump Service as soon as possible.
Letting a professional deal with garden waste saves you a lot of time, and it’ll ensure your experience out in the garden stays pleasant too! You can get some rest in right now, and wait until the days are a bit brighter to do any further work.
Your pre-summer garden clear-out doesn’t have to be a fight. Keep it simple with these tips!
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