Weddings are big business these days, and more couples are wanting to create elaborate affairs and events for their day. I don’t blame them. The one day you can be the ultimate princess or queen for the day, a chance to have a celebration just about you and your partner, done in your way. Big, small, intimate, crazy, whatever your personality is you can make it shine on your wedding day. However, there are some details that you will want to invest your time in and not discard. I thought I would share with you what those things are.

Allyson & Ben July 8, 2017
The wedding dress
One of the fun aspects of wedding planning happens to be the dress. The dress is such a big deal for women, and whether they choose to go traditional or boycott that idea and go for something completely different the aim of the game is always the same, they want to feel incredible. So how do you do that? Shopping for the dress is so much fun, but make sure you try on all sorts of styles to ensure that what you think you want is definitely what you want. It may also be worth considering that what you would like might not be able to be bought, and so having your dress made could be the option to consider.
The photographer
The photographer is also and important part of your day. You need to ensure that you have complete confidence in your wedding photographer. The reason being is that this person is responsible for capturing your day. The photographs are what you will look back on in years to come, so you will want to ensure that you are happy with them. You might also want to take some time to do some research on particular styles of pictures and get some ideas together, this will help you identify the right photographer for you as well as ensure that you are happy with your choice and the pictures that could be captured.
The venue and food
The venue and the food are two things that possible go hand in hand. The venue is important because this is the place that will host your ceremony or at the very least your celebration. You will be spending a great deal of time there, so you will want to ensure that you are happy with your choice. The food could be something a little less important to you, it would depend on whether you consider food to be a big aspect of your day. Many people do, and so you may want to take the time to think about how and what type of food you want to serve your guests on the day. It could be that you choose a formal option or something a little more casual, but these days the options and flexibility are endless.
The invites and information
Finally, make sure that you take the time to think about the invites and the information you give your guests. They will need as much information as possible ahead of time, especially if travel and staying over is going to be on the cards.
I hope that these tips help you when it comes to planning your wedding.
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