You may be able to turn your hand to many things but there are some times in life when only the services of a professional will do and when you will have to pay out for those services.
In this case, we’re talking about legal services. Whether that’s to settle a dispute with a neighbor or at work or to guide you through a divorce. Appointing a lawyer can be expensive and perhaps even a little baffling. In this guide we take you through three steps to appointing a lawyer, whatever your situation.
Meet face-to-face
No amount of internet-based research is going to replace the impression you get from someone when you meet them in person. You should find that many lawyers are happy to offer free advice for an initial consultation. This free time is limited, usually up to 45 minutes, so if you are able to talk to a lawyer for free be sure to make the most of it. Be organized with your documents and timeline having all the information at hand to present the full story quickly to maximize the time spent.
Have all your paperwork with you and go ready with a list of questions that you can get answered before you go forward and appoint that solicitor if you like them.
Get it clear straight away
The billing process can be complicated with some lawyers, such as McGilberry & Shirer LLP, offering no-win, no-fee deals and others where you must pay by the hour. Find a solution that works for you and work out the details of that payment with your lawyer before you appoint them so it doesn’t come as a shock later down the line.
You can save money with lawyers who charge by the hour by including a list of questions or items to note in an email rather than talking about them on the telephone where very often you’ll be charged by the hour.
Be flexible
You might want to win your case and have your day in court but very often finding a settlement out of court is the best way forward for everyone. It can save in legal fees and mean the matter is solved far more quickly than going through a long and drawn-out court process.
Take a flexible approach where you will consider all the options presented to you and listen to the advice of your lawyer about the possible outcome of a court appearance.
Going through legal proceedings can be stressful, not to mention costly so avoid wasting time and money on a lawyer you don’t feel comfortable with. Use your free time wisely to carefully vet your chosen lawyer and find someone who you feel confident with.
Remember to keep on top of your own paperwork to help the case to run smoothly and to save you both time and money in the long run. Be open-minded about getting the best result you can hope for and move on with your life as soon as possible.
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