As the world gained more and more exposure to technology and knowledge, it also gained exposure to things such as drugs- some legal, others illegal- the majority of which poses the risk of addiction to those who abuse it. We often see cases on the television, read about them in books, or hear about them from other people; but what if the case is closer to home? What do you do? It’s important that you can discern and recognize both the physical and behavioral signs that indicate a person may be suffering from an addiction problem, and understand how to seek treatment.
Physical Signs
You’ll find that people who are suffering from an addiction problem have certain physical signs that give them away, and these are things that you should keep an eye out for. If you’re completely lost and need in-depth information, you should seek professional guidance. People in the US in Arizona, for instance, know that there are specific and reliable centers that provide this kind of information. Locals know that at their addiction treatment center there are certified professionals as well as people who may have experienced the same thing, who will be able to guide you. They will be able to tell you that these physical signs include extreme weight gain or loss that happens much too quickly, dark circles underneath the eyes and bloodshot eyes, an inability to sleep, and consistent insomnia. Pay attention to the pupils of their eyes- see if they’re too dilated. They may also display a sign of weakness such as shivering or shaking and have very dry lips.
Behavioral Signs
During the initial stages of abuse, the behavioral signs may be more difficult to pick up on, but you should keep an eye out nonetheless. However, for someone who’s been abusing drugs for a longer duration of time, these behavioral changes will stand out. Irrational mood swings tend to occur on a more regular basis, you’ll also find that they will be displaying signs of fatigue, paranoia, and agitation. Keep in mind that many addicts can keep up a very normal front, so it doesn’t necessarily mean that these behavioral signs will always be there or easy to pick up on. However, you should look out for even minor changes in their behavior and decision making- as well as their routine and activities. Any inexplicable or disturbing behavior should be something that you look into and see what the cause is.
How To Seek Treatment
Even if you have the slightest doubt or sense that someone you love may be suffering from any kind of substance abuse, then you should immediately take action to get help and understand what needs to be done to seek treatment. You can start online, where you can contact people who provide sessions and guidance to help people deal with addiction from home. If you find that this is not effective enough, then try to find a rehabilitation center near you and discuss the options available. There is counseling in and outpatient options.
The worst thing you can do for a person who may be suffering from addiction is not to take action. You need to keep the points mentioned here in mind, and if you suspect someone you know might be dealing with substance abuse, then look out for these signs and make sure that you consult a professional to find the most suitable treatment for them.
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