Prepare and Organize As You Go
As you prepare a meal in your kitchen, many things need to be done and taken care of. The first thing that you should do is make sure the area is clean and organized. It can be very easy to let dishes pile up or garbage stack up as you prepare food. But it’s not good for anyone if these things build up. There are two main ways to keep this from happening. You can have designated areas for prepping food, cleaning up after cooking, and carefully planning out what needs to be done before starting prep work.
Cleaning up after cooking can be a very unpleasant task. If you take the time to plan out your meal and prep all of it beforehand, then this will not have to be done as much or at all.
When you built your home, you considered the standard kitchen sink sizes and you chose the one that is best for you. Organize the cabinet beneath your sink. This is where you will keep your cleaning supplies. Make sure they are organized neatly so nothing gets lost or hard to find when needed most. Set some rules as to how you will clean up after cooking. If everyone does their part, this task won’t take too long, and it can be more enjoyable for all involved. Keep utensils and dishes in designated areas. This way, nothing gets lost or forgotten until the very end when no one wants to do any cleaning afterward.
Once you are finished preparing each item, it can go into its area until needed again. By placing them on serving plates, they are also kept clean and ready for use once more. This way, nothing has to sit too long before being used again because everything is readily available when needed the most.
However, if there was no planning involved, these dishes could pile high, making it harder than ever to keep things clean and organized while still getting everything done. This is why it is important to carefully plan out exactly what needs to be done before getting started on any prep work.
Never set dirty utensils on the countertops or stovetops. This can cause bacteria to spread, making the area less sanitary than it should be. If you have many items that need to be cooked, consider using disposable utensils and plates for ease.
If there is no planning involved in doing all of this work, chaos will eventually ensue with everything piling up quickly! It’s important to stay organized so everyone stays safe while cooking food together as a family.
Create Kitchen Counter Zones
Place knives in a knife block or on a magnet strip. Label the proper zones for different types of food items when necessary to avoid cross-contamination and confusion.
Get small containers with lids (like old baby jars) and place utensils like tongs, meat forks, etc., inside them, so you have one container per item. Place these inside drawers beside your stovetop if possible instead of leaving them out on counters where they can get lost easily. This way, everything is kept together without having to search everywhere to find what’s needed most quickly while cooking a meal. You could also use chopstick holders from the dollar store if you don’t have any extra baby jars around.
Chopsticks or spoons can also be held inside a mason jar. This way, they stay together and are not left out on the countertop where they could get lost easily. They will always have their designated spot in your kitchen.
Keep items that need to go into ovens separate from those used on the stovetop for safety reasons and keep them organized more efficiently. You don’t want things getting mixed up while others are cooking food, after all. There is nothing worse than having to stop what you’re doing because of something so silly, like leaving an important item behind by accident when it’s needed most.
Use small hooks to hang up oven mitts, pot holders, and towels. This will keep them off the ground where they could get stepped on or hard to find when looking for one quickly while cooking something.
Make sure that you label all zones appropriately so everyone knows what goes in each area of your kitchen, depending upon how big it is. Make sure there are no holes in this system either because items can get lost easily if not properly accounted for.
Then be certain to have a designated spot within your home with an explanation written beside it explaining exactly what needs to be done instead of having someone feel confused by anything once everything is organized neatly.
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