Broad Z: Well, we've already reviewed two of CBS's NEWEST shows, but I think I've seen this one somewhere before!!!That's right, Medium has JUMPED NETWORKS and is NEW to the CBS lineup this fall. I've been watching it on the "other" network, so I already KNOW that I LOVE it. What about you "A"?Broad A: Reviewing the fall opener of "Medium" was fun for me - I don't watch much TV, just "American Idol" on Fox. This CBS primetime show featuring Patricia Arquette as Allison DuBois, a research ... continue reading...
TV Reviews: Medium
Beauty Reviews: Thevi Cosmetics
THEVI CosmeticsAm I glamorous? Not really, although I tend to talk the talk sometimes.Am I a plain Jane? Definitely not, I like looking good (whatever that means at the moment).So, what am I?I suppose I'm a lot like most of you. I probably spend an average amount of time each day, showering, doing my hair, putting on all of my creams and lotions and then taking out the BOX of make-up.THE BOX!!! Yes, I have a BOX of cosmetics. Why? Well, probably because I have a difficult time finding the colors ... continue reading...
Food Reviews & Giveaway: Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce
Broad A: Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce is delicious, fun and versatile! And I am no cook.Broad Z: Come on "A" I've seen inside your cupboards, you've got ALL of the fixin's of a great cook. It's ME who should be talking about NOT being a cook (unless you count microwaving leftovers from the restaurant last night). OK, so what did you make?Broad A: I marinated chicken breasts in the sauce (how hard is that) and baked them for twenty minutes in a 350 degree oven.Broad Z: Mmmmm, I can smell ... continue reading...
Read for the Record Event and Giveaway: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
As readers of The Review Broads, I'm going to take a guess and say that you're a pretty big reader. Obviously, so are we. Both Broad "A" and I are rarely seen without book in hand. We both have grown children and "A" has grandchildren as well who have learned to love reading as much as we do.We are the lucky ones.Having grown up knowing how reading can inspire and delight, we passed the joy of reading on to our children. How? By reading TO THEM when they were young.October 1, 2009 will mark the ... continue reading...
Back to School Reviews: Cyber Clean
Cyber Clean Broad A: I tried Cyber Clean on my (filthy) car to get out all the dirt that settles on my gear shift and cupholder, etc.Broad Z: You did WHAT?Broad A: I actually lost the little glop of yellow slime when it slithered into the rubber aroundthe gear shift and it shredded – kinda glomped – apart. It took me awhile to get it out.Broad Z: Okay, A - read the directions. They sent you the Cyber Clean for ELECTRONICS - NOT the Cyber Clean Automotive.Broad A: OMG, so THAT was the ... continue reading...
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