Advanced Dental Science for a Healther Kind of Clean tm
Revitin™ Oral Therapy with NuPath® BioActives, according to our latest research is the most significant advance in oral health care in over a generation. Unlike other toothpastes, (most of which have a poison warning on the label), Revitin™ is safe enough to ingest and contains no harsh detergents or chemicals.
Revitin™ Oral Therapy works with the natural defenses in the mouth. We like to think of it as a conditioner for the gums, which is especially important these days when so many are using strong chemicals to whiten their teeth. These teeth whitening chemicals, especially when used at home, can cause potential damage to the gums. (After all, everyone who bleaches their hair, conditions it afterwards.)
Our research has shown that the mouth is much like an organic garden, with helpful, friendly bacteria contributing to keeping a balanced and healthy oral environment. And that’s what Revitin™ Oral Therapy with NuPath® BioActives supports – a healthy mouth.
Based on our research and a combined 50 years of clinical dentistry, we developed NuPath® BioActives, a patented and proprietary blend of antioxidants, micronutrients, herbal extracts and homeopathic salts that have been formulated to support the ecosystem of the mouth. Many patients who find regular toothpaste too harsh to use due to mouth sores or other uncomfortable oral conditions have discovered that Revitin™ Oral Therapy is the only dentifrice they can comfortably tolerate. It leaves teeth feeling squeaky clean in the morning, even if brushed the night before.
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Revitin is available for purchase via their website.
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: 4
Review by Broad “A” – Ava
We received product for this review.. All opinions are our own.
nice and useful product for teeth to protect it from gums.Thanks Revitin
nice and useful product for teeth to protect it from gums.Thanks Revitin
I like that Dr. Gerry's video..Providing an effective dental products and dental care treatment facilities too. What a busy man.
I like that Dr. Gerry's video..Providing an effective dental products and dental care treatment facilities too. What a busy man.
nice and useful.. information..
Awesome post.