I was recently contacted by the good people at Horizon dairy and asked if I’d like to try their organic eggs. Organic EGGS? I knew that Horizon produced milk products, butter and cheeses…but, EGGS? Since I was already familiar with their milk (as we’ve been drinking it for years), I was curious to see if their eggs tasted as fresh as their other products. I also wanted to know WHY ORGANIC when it comes to eggs?
For most green products, such as fruits and veggies – I prefer buying locally. So, I’d go to the farm stand or greenmarket on the weekends to shop. I used to have a farmer that I’d buy fresh eggs from, but since we moved, the farmer that I used to buy from is too far and there are no others that sell at the greenmarket that I now go to. When Horizon offered to send me a free dozen eggs to try, I figured WHY NOT?
I have to say that I had a difficult time finding them. They didn’t carry them at my local chain grocery store and the small organic food store nearby didn’t carry them either. I eventually found them at Whole Foods (unfortunately, Whole Foods is an hour away, but I was in the area doing other errands and stopped in).
Maybe it’s that Horizon gets their products to the grocer quicker than the usual supermarket eggs, or maybe it’s that they’re organic…I don’t know. All I can say is that they tasted pretty darned close to those eggs that I used to buy direct from the farmer.
So what makes Horizon Organic Eggs so special”
- They’re a great source of protein and vitamin D
- Horizon Organic eggs come from cage-free hens that have the freedom to roam
- They eat fresh 100% organic vegetarian feed
- They’re never treated with antibiotics or growth hormones
Buying Organic Eggs is not going to break the bank. I found them to be slightly higher than the grocery store eggs, but cheaper than from the farmer.
If you’d like to try Horizon Organic Eggs – Horizon Organics has sent me an extra coupon for a FREE dozen eggs to give away to one of The Review Broad’s readers.
Daily Entry:
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* This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and over and ends on July 20, 2009.
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* Good Luck
Review by Broad “Z” Zippy
I'm trying to cook more from scratch and add healthy foods to our diet.
I am buying a lot of fresh produce and grilling this summer to make some really great-tasting healthy food for my family! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Following. ๐
I subscribed via Google Reader.
I am trying to get us to eat more veggies and fruits and with a husband who is not a big veggie eater not an easy task.
We eat only lean meats,low-fat dairy, veggies, fruits, and whole grains, and we get exercise every day. We also only drink water (except my youngest, who has soy milk as well), and we try to buy organic and to limit our exposure to toxins. We also try to have a low-stress household!
Alicia Webster
I subscribe via Google Reader.
Alicia Webster
I follow.
Alicia Webster
I am really trying to make sure that we are eating mostly organic and local produce and dairy. I love Horizon, but have yet to try their eggs! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I follow on google!
Trying to grow some of our own food…and we don't put synthetic chemicals on our lawn.
dangotmail AT yahoo DOT com
we are not drinking soda pop or eating sweet foods. mverno@roadrunner.com
trying to not use so much processed food and more natural
Cooking more from scratch and now that summer is here we are able to have more fresh fruits and veggies.
I'm helping my family be healthier by insisting that we take a walk together after dinner. It helps our emotional health AND physical health!
Thank you for the giveaway ๐
On the food front, I've moved to baked and steamed versions of dishes. If oil is needed,I'll use a healthy canola or olive oil.
We do weekend activities that requirement movement. That doesn't mean the movies are out by we can always add a 30 minute walk before or after.
I'm keeping the fruit bowl filled with seasonal fruits
I'm trying to buy mostly organic products to reduce unhealthy ingredients
amandasixx at hotmail dot com
We have a garden and try to eat something out of the garden everyday
Thank you for the chance
We are buying organic foods and cutting back on eating out and on our weakness that are deserts!
we have a big veggie garden
garlic garlic and more garlic…. of course you can always add a little lemon juice, olive oil, and agave to help it go down easier!
I subscribe via email.
I am a google connect follower on your sidebar.
I have left you a comment telling you that I am a new subscriber ( referred by Zippy), I am a google connect follower, and I left a comment on garlic in the comment section. I assumed you would just click on the blogger id which would give you a way to contact us, but I am sorry I didn't read better! my name and email are:
cathy b
project hop e7 at gmail dot com
I have started buying organic products whenever possible. We ALWAYS buy the Horizon organic eggs. They are absolutely delicious and worth the extra price. I can actually find them pretty easily locally. I think Horizon has a good presence here in AZ.
Judith Greenberg
I am following you on google.
Judith Greenberg
I've subscribed via the google reader.
Judith Greenberg
I cook healthy foods for my family. I am reading Enging to Diet right now. I get a lot of healthful tips.
I follow your blog.
I subscribe fcscheermom@aol.com Patty
In order to keep our family healthy I buy a lot of fruits and veggies. We love smoothies and wraps at our house.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
In order to keep our family healthy I buy a lot of fruits and veggies. We love smoothies and wraps at our house.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
jesskaufman at hotmaill dot com
jesskaufman at hotmaill dot com
My 07/10 entry ๐
ktgonyea at gmail.com
We eat as well as we can. We eat fruit, vegetables, grains, fish, meat and eggs. We try to eat organic. We drink lots of purified water.
I subscribe via email.
My 8 yr old son and I have planted a garden and he really enjoyed digginf in the dirt, watching the veggies grow, picking and eating them. I was FINALLY able to find a way to get him to eat veggie. He is so proud of what he has done and I am proud that I was able to get him to eat healthier.
Eating lots of fruit and veggies – cutting down on carbs and sugar – fruit for dessert instead of ice cream or cookies.
I am trying to get my family to eat more veggies. We are going to participate in CSA this year and I couldn't be happier!
We cook almost all of our meals at home letting us know exactly what's in them!
We're taking advantage of the farmer's markets and friend's gardens this summer and really enjoying good fresh berries and vegetables.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
We're loading up on fruits and veggies from the Farmers Market and making sure to take long walks and exercise! Thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
We're vegetarians. ๐
We're loading up on fruits and veggies from the Farmers Market and making sure to take long walks and exercise! Thanks again for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
We're loading up on fruits and veggies from the Farmers Market and making sure to take long walks and exercise! Thanks once again for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
I try to buy and make wholesome foods that don't contain a lot of unnecessary fillers, preservatives, or food coloring.
My 07/10 entry ๐
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I tried to eat more fruits and veggies, and yoga at least 2x a week.
My 07/18 entry ๐
ktgonyea at gmail.com
I buy Horizon's Organic Milk for our family.
I finally, finally, got my 20 year old daughter, who's home from college for the summer, to stop eating fast food every day. Yes, at least one meal a day; a bad habit she's picked up at college. We now go to the farmers market every Saturday together and pick up veggies, fruit, and cheese. It turns out that leading by example does eventually get through! Gaiser3@knology.net
We eat vegetarian. I also put a ban on trans fats and try to limit saturated fats.
We are trying to eat more organic and whole grain foods!
My better half and I definetly are eating more healthy and excerise 3 days a week . He at our local hospital after double by pass surgery 7 years ago. I go to one of the nationally known health clubs . I try to avoid foods with pesticides and growth hormones I have a thyroid condition and looking to have surgery in September.
My 07/19 entry please ๐
ktgonyea at gmail.com
We are cutting back on eating out, buying organic products whenever possible, and eating more fruits and veggies. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway!
I try to buy lower fat alternatives whenever possible.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
I'm following your blog.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
I tweeted.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
We're trying to buy more organic and all-natural products. We read labels and particularly avoid products with high fructose corn syrup.
We are growing our own fruits and veggies. I only use natural cleaners and we don't watch TV!
We're loading up on fruits and veggies from the Farmers Market and making sure to take long walks and exercise! Thanks for the giveaway!
luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com
We support our local farmers by buying direct. We get healthier food and we know it is so much fresher than what we would find in the supermarket.
I'm a subscriber.
I'm a follower.
We all go climbing once a week.
We're drinking filtered tap water.
I subscribed via Google Reader.
email address in Blogger profile
I'm following on Blogger/Google Friend Connect.
I tweeted.
We're getting out a walking more instead of relying on the car all the time.
I buy fresh vegetables from the farmer's market and my kids LOVE vegetables.
i'm trying to use organic ingredients and less pre packaged food
Cook from scratch alot!
Susanne Troop
We are trying to eat healthier by eating more fruits and vegetables
Cook more healthier foods and eat out less.
Twitter contest @ http://twitter.com/dchampine1/
07/20 entry for me please ๐
ktgonyea at gmail.com
we eat organic foods now
We are eating a lot healthier. We are eating a lot less prepared foods and more fresh fruits and vegetables. We are also walking more.
We go for walks.
I subscribed to your blog.
I am making healthier food choices.
I'm buying more fresh fruits and vegetables and more organic products.