The Anti-Cancer Diet
Author: David Khayat, MD
I had not heard of Dr. Khayat before I picked up this amazing book; his is a well-known oncologist. If you enjoy nutrition, if you want to be as healthy as possible and if you want to keep cancer at bay, the Anti-Cancer Diet explains all the nuances of cancer, cancerous cells, etc.
Dr. Khayat states:
“Unlike the people who want to draw up rules based on their own particular, personal experience of cancer, rules that they would like to impose on everyone else, without even exercising the caution of qualifiers such as “might,” “possibly,” and so on, as befits and proper researcher, this book is the sum of my thirty years of research into cancer…its legitimacy is beyond dispute, especially as it is the result of a successful collaboration between a cancer specialist and a preeminent nutritionist.”
It is hard for me to trust books that tell me what to do or not to do when something like cancer happens to family or friends; there are so many out there, and some are respectable and help and some do not. I was very impressed as I read through the The Anti-Cancer Diet as it spoke to me of all the things that I believe in nutritionally. Dr. Khayat feels that our eating “habits are responsible for many cancers.” And I agree with him. And even better, The Anti-Cancer Diet states that we have the opportunity today to fight cancer by avoiding it in the first place. Whether you believe this or not, it only makes sense that eating the correct foods helps.
Dr. Khayat brings together the latest statistics, studies and truth about many of the items we wonder about…does aspartame cause cancer. What are the studies? What are the connection between our diet and cancer? Does fish help protect against cancer or is it dangerously full of mercury and other contaminants? What is the take on milk? How about pesticides and toxic substances in fruit and vegetables? What are nitrites? Are all oils the same? What should we drink? What is the truth about water and the United States? What about wine? Why should we eat red meat and our streak rare instead of well done? Is salmon really a good choice for dinner? How do I cook my food? What foods are likely to help cancer along and what foods are “anti cancer” foods?
As Dr. Khayat tells the story through statistics and scientific facts, I began to realize that this is a book that is a MUST HAVE for anyone who cares about their health and wants to maximize their health through the foods that they eat. Absolutely spellbinding, and written in a way that anyone can understand, The Anti-Cancer Diet is one of the best buys I have come across in nutrition in years. Not full of blarney, this book attends to all the questions we need to ask and the answers that we need to know.
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: 5
Review by Broad “A”
We received a copy of this title for our book review. All opinions are our own
The Anticancer Diet: Reduce Cancer Risk Through the Foods You Eat is available for purchase on and at bookstores nationwide
Thank you for this review. I am going to get this book.