SHAKE Puppies
Carli Davidson
WHAT TO GET for Christmas?
Well, after all, you are talking to ME, the BOOK FREAK reviewer! Broad A here, telling you, I wanna book for Christmas!
STOP! I got the book! It came!
SHAKE Puppies by Carli Davidson follows up her book SHAKE with the MOST adorable puppies of all breeds doing what comes naturally: SHAKING! Davidson has caught these little darlings in all aspects of their immense adorability with photographs that beg to be framed~! My favorite? Well, I will share it, as you ALL know my affinity for dachshunds!!
SHAKE Puppies offers more than 130 truly charming photographs of squishy, tantalizing, come hither puppies with expressions that simply delight. This is a must have for the coffee table people on your Christmas list, the people who already have the heavy Ansel Adams and The Louvre hanging around on their marble coffee tables! They NEED this book! As did I! Thank you Ms. Davidson for some of the best photographs I have seen in a long time of some of the most adorable creatures on earth: puppies!
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: A puppy kissie of 4~!
Review by Broad “A”
We received a copy of this title for our book review. All opinions are our own
Shake Puppies
is available on as well as booksellers nationwide.
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