For all of us animal lovers, there is nothing sadder than seeing unwanted pets and pets that are abused either residing in shelters or in dreary backyards. Ms. Pomerance has written a beautiful book with stunning pictures of the 43 dogs rescued by the Pomerance family. Diane and her husband Norm tell the story of their strong devotion and love for animals. Since I also rescued my beautiful long haired dachshund Clem from a puppy mill, this book strongly touched me. When I got Clem he was almost dead, and had been given 31 shots at the age of 6 weeks. With raw food, lots of medical attention and a lot of love, Clem is now the happiest and healthiest of dogs at 4 years old. When I think about “what if…” I break down in tears. So it is my great pleasure to read and review this delightful book that tells of the Pomerance family’s rescue of all of their dogs.
With a myriad of pictures and delightful and sometimes sad stories of their rescue dogs, Diane Pomerance touches our hearts. This is one of the best “dog” books that I have seen out there, and I spent hours reading and enjoying the many pictures and tales of the Pomerance rescues.
So please parents, before you buy that cute Christmas puppy, THINK about what you are doing. Animals bring so much joy, but their needs are that of a child: good nutrition, exercise and lots of love and attention. And take a trip to your local shelter, or do research on your breed and how it will fit in with your family FIRST. If you can open your heart to a rescue dog do so; if you cannot, please check out your breeder thoroughly, DO NOT buy from pet stores or puppy mills, as this only gives you a dog that is sick at best, and it allows people to continue to breed carelessly and viciously. When you bring a puppy or a rescue dog into your midst, remember that they might have some insecurities, but with patience and love you will embrace their joy and happiness for many years to come.
Thank you Ms. Pomerance for writing and publishing this delightful and informative book with unbelievably wonderful pictures of your doggie crew both past and present. Every dog lover should read this book, for the true spirit of love and devotion resides between its pages. Loved it!
Our Rescue Dog Family Album is available on and various other booksellers.
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Review by Broad “A” – Ava
We received a copy of this title for our book review. All opinions are our own.
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