Although “Fearless: The 7 Principles of Peace of Mind” by Brenda Shoshanna proved interesting, I continuously felt as I read that I was sitting on Dr. Phil’s lap and he was offering fatherly advice with a Zen twist. 1-2-3 you’re fixed. These are complex issues and require different approaches for different people. (I don’t like Dr. Phil either – he is simplistic and creates an aura of Just Get Over It-itis. Works for some. Not for me). I found many of the resources, exercises and sayings in the book redundant. A book creates a reading frenzy in me when it locks and loads originality and a look outside the box. “Fearless” totally failed in that endeavor.
Let me just say that I like New Age. Yoga – not so much. I found “Fearless” a lot like yoga. Flex, flex, flex, meditate, repeat, practice, breathe, empty your mind – and you will be happy. Now, I realize that the wisdom presented is real. However, if it was so easy to replace fear and substitute love, I think we would have a deluge of therapists, Zen practitioners, and 1-2-3 Get Over Its running around without jobs and going hungry. Since I don’t want to contribute to world hunger, I’ll pass “Fearless” on to my readers and let them
decide for themselves!
(ON THE OTHER HAND (yeah, Broad Z yelled at me!): if you like Zen and yoga, “Fearless” crafts itself well with many Zen anecdotes and stories. Shoshanna knows her Zen and presents good ideas. I fell into the I’VE HEARD IT ALL BEFORE cave as a reader – remember Melody Beattie with “Codependence No More”? BUT I’m wise enough to appreciate Zen even if it’s not presented in a venue that I agree with.)
By the way: (here she comes, Broad A with the Mouth!): The 7 principles are listed below:
- The Courage to Be Who You Are
- Letting Go of Attachment and Grasping
- Recognizing the Voices Within
- Finding a Safe Harbor
- Blessing Others: Deeds of Love
- Letting Go of Control and Domination
- Discovering Your Perfect Nature: Becoming a Friend
An aside. I believe healing appears slowly; baby steps. I found “Fearless” lacking a topic that is essential to self awareness – the ability to have flexible boundaries. If you don’t know where you stop and someone else begins, you have no foundation and will slip into the quicksand of over-simplicity within the 7 Principles or whatever dogma that you are utilizing in your healing life. I felt disappointment that Shoshanna touched ephemerally on this issue.
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Dr. Brenda Shoshanna has been a practicing psychologist and therapist for over twenty-five years. She is also a relationship expert and has contributed to iVillage, and has appeared frequently on national television (ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC) and print media (Cosmopolitan, Mademoiselle, and Allure).
Fearless: The 7 Principles of Peace of Mind is available for purchase at and local booksellers.
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale:
Review by Broad “A” – Ava
We received a copy of Fearless for this book review. We were not compensated and all opinions are strictly our own.
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