You turned the coffee pot off, you’ve got your keys, your child is all bundled up and ready to go to the sitter’s house. So, why does it feel like something’s missing? You do a re-check and everything’s turned off and you’ve got what you need. You drop your son/daughter off and head to work. It’s the same as every other weekday.
What if something happens that’s out of the ordinary? Will your sitter know what to do, who to contact and what your child is allergic to? Maybe you left the favorite toy at home and your child can’t nap without it, or there’s a special storybook that always helps him to relax.
I was recently sent a copy of By The Book by Melissa Bishop and Karen Berg. This is one of those books that you always WISH you had, but could never find. It is the ONE place that you can record everything that pertains to your child for their caregiver, babysitter or yourself (in an emergency). It really is a MUST HAVE for parents.
By the Book is a collection of charts and forms that focuses on ALL of the information from the BIG things (like medical emergencies) to the tiny details (like if homework is due tomorrow). It would be so nice to be able to just hand over these charts to your mother when she babysits the grandchildren, the babysitter down the street or the day care center staff, so that they’re as prepared as you are to deal with anything that comes up (and we all know that with kids – SOMETHING always comes up).
You’ll find charts for
- Daily Routine
- Allergies/Special Needs
- School Information
- Discipline Tools
- Notes for the Sitter/Nanny
- Emergency Phone Numbers
- Immunization Log
- Emergency Plans
- Nanny Applications
- and more
How nice will it be that your caregiver knows EXACTLY what your child’s time limits are on playing video games or watching TV?
This is really the most comprehensive book that I’ve seen of it’s kind. The peace of mind that knowing that whomever is watching your children has this information at their fingertips is priceless. I’m bookmarking this item for BABY SHOWER gifts, because it’s something that EVERY mother should have.
By the Book is available in Hard Cover for $19.95 (plus s&h) or by e-Book for only $9.95..
Champagne Living’s readers receive 25% off of the Hard Cover edition with the
Coupon Code: BTBK7757 (code is case sensitive)
Review by Broad “Z” – Zippy
The author’s of “By the Book” have generously donated an e-book copy of this MUST HAVE book for one lucky reader.
- In the comments tell us the ONE thing that’s important for your caregiver to know about your child. Don’t forget to leave your e-mail, so that we can contact you if you’re our winner.
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* This giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and over and ends on July 25, 2009 11:59 EST.
* The winner will be randomly chosen and contacted via email.
* The winner has 48 hours to respond to my email or an alternate winner will be chosen.
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* Good Luck
My son is allergic to amoxicillian
the foods he is allergic to
My son has trouble chewing so cute his pieces very small.
Having grandchildren now, I want to be ready for just about anything.
My daughter has a lactose allergy
My son is allergic to bee stings!
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Following on Blogger (rubymoon/Ally)
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My grandson loves his friends at daycare but by the end of the day he's tired.
My son is very strong willed. He will not give up easily.
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well, my childs only caregiver is my wife and i, so what i need to know are the things i don't know.
It's important for caregivers to know about any medical conditions of the children they take of.
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