Super Genes
Authors: Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D.
You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.
– Deepak Chopra
It is difficult to review daring research and scientific discovery without using pat language and repeating what the authors say in Super Genes. Both these men, famous in their fields, present an entirely new way of looking at self-responsibility in the arrangement of our lives through the life activities we engage in that affect our genes and their ability to adapt and assist us in living healthy and longer lives.
After publishing Super Brain, authors Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D. present Super Genes, which presents the idea that we are not stuck with the life that our genes have given us. As they present the fact that we are indeed in charge of our own self-care, and that our life and lifestyle shapes our gene activity, both Chopra and Tanzi take us by storm in this amazing book on DNA and the attributes that make up our genes and how we can affect them ourselves. The science of epigenetics allows us to follow their logic.
From the Huffington Post:
If certain experiences happen enough times, they can affect how genes are expressed and packaged without altering DNA, said Harvard Medical School professor Rudy Tanzi. This phenomenon, called epigenetics, is gaining increasing popularity among scientists.
“Every experience will cause chemical changes in your body and in your brain, and those chemical changes will then cause genetic changes,” said Tanzi, who recently co-authored the book Super Brain with Chopra. “If those genetic changes occur often enough and with persistence that can lead to modification of those genes such that they react the same way in the future because they’ve been trained.”
Though not a typical outcome, there have been reports of such modifications being passed onto subsequent generations, in what’s known as transgenerational epigenetic evolution.
Super Genes is revolutionary and presented in a way that the layman can understand what deeply dramatic and phenomenal changes are as DNA is explained and broken down. This is not a book to read in one sitting or even two: it took me a good month to finish it and then I went back and read certain sections again and again, and took notes on small rolodex cards.
Positive, life enhancing and putting the responsibility of our lives squarely on our own shoulders, Super Genes is SUPERB!
Ratings are based on a 5-star scale
Overall: 5
Review by Broad “A”
We received a copy of this title for our book review. All opinions are our own
Super Genes: Unlock the Astonishing Power of Your DNA for Optimum Health and Well-Being is available for purchase on and your local bookseller.
Incredible book with many amazing and provocative insights. A must read for all thinking and curious people.