Mornings are made for coffee and a dog
Jack and Betty are our children. If you haven’t read their stories before, I’ll give you a quick story. Jack, our tenacious Boston Terrier came via the Fort Lauderdale Boston Terrier Rescue, and our American Bulldog Betty White was actually found wandering the streets. After rescuing her and acting as a foster home, we placed her with someone who proceeded to just give her away the next day. We were not happy, and actually PAID to get her back. We have been forever happy that she is a permanent member of our family. If you’re thinking of adopting a dog but need some extra persuasion, there are some things you should know. In short, there are lots and lots of benefits associated with being a dog owner. It can make you happier and healthier in all sorts of ways, and simply having that little bundle of job in your life will be more than worth any of the negatives that you might be worrying about.
We’re going to talk you through all of the many benefits of adopting a dog, aside from the fact that you’ll be doing a good thing that’ll provide a home to a dog that might otherwise have had one. So read on now and find out why you really need to find yourself a dog to adopt as soon as possible.
It’s a Great Way to Meet New People
Meeting new people is something that we can all benefit from. After all we, we’re all social creatures and we need that human interaction from time to time. When you have a dog, you immediately have an ice breaker. It can even cause people to stop and talk to you when you’re walking it because they want to pet it and fuss over it for a while.

Jack did NOT have the time of his life (nobody puts baby in the corner)
Dogs Relieve Stress
Having a dog there to do what dogs do is one of the things that can really help you to relieve the stress you’re feeling. If you’ve had a long day at work and you’re not feeling great about life in general, having something there that can help to stop those unpleasant feelings of stress is a massive bonus. Your dog could turn out to be the best form of stress relief out there.
The Emotional Support You Get
It’s long been known that dogs can be amazing sources of emotional support. There are even opportunities to get online support dog letters that allow people with a need for that emotional support to get dogs for free. They genuinely help people with mental health problems to get that support. They don’t talk to you and they can’t offer words of comfort, but they can do so much more than that. Simply being there to offer unconditional love when you’re feeling down can make a huge difference.
Dog Owners Are Less Likely to Suffer Depression
The problem of depression is terrible to have to deal with, and everyone who has been through that knows it well. But did you know that people who own dogs are less likely to suffer depression. Of course, we have to be careful here because plenty of dog owners can get depression too. But the point is that dogs can help your mental health in some way, be it big or small.

Our little brat pack
Loneliness Will be Kept at Bay
No one wants to deal with loneliness, and it’s something that can be kept at bay when you have a dog companion by your side at all times. It might not be the same as human connections, but it’s a different kind of connection and it’s certainly no less valid than anything else that stops you from feeling lonely in life. Your dog really will help to feel more positive.
Dog Walks Provide You with a Reason to Exercise Each Day
Many people struggle to find reasons to get out and do some exercise, and that’s something that you need to address one way or another. Well, when you have a dog, you will immediately find it easier to get that exercise because you will have to take your dog on walks each day. Finally, you’ll have a reason to get active every day and look after yourself.
You Can Become More Resistant to Allergies
People who own dogs find it helps them to build up their immune systems over time, and this can help with things like allergies. There is evidence that shows people who have a dog in the home build a resistance to allergies, so this is something that can benefit you and your whole family. It’s definitely a strange little fact, but it’s a pretty cool thing to know about dogs. It seems dogs really do have superpowers after all.
If these benefits of adopting a dog haven’t persuaded you to push ahead and find one of your own then nothing will. So be sure to find a place that homes rescue dogs if you want to do this the right way. It’s always best to stay away from irresponsible breeders that don’t have the best interest of dogs at heart.
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